
Lot 1.
God of Love – by Artist Beezy Bailey
(Price Guide: R250,000 | $18,415)

Lot 2.
2 Hour Cape Side Car adventure for 2 People around the peninsular
(Price Guide: R2,500 | $185) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Lot 3.
One week stay at the exclusive Beachscape Villa, Plettenberg Bay for 10 people
(Price Guide: R70,000 | $5,155) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Lot 4.
“Orchid Crown” by artist Russell Smith
(Price Guide: R68,000 | $5,010) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Lot 5.
7 night stay for 4 people at the private guest cottage of Dalen in Östmansby Sweden
(Price Guide: Priceless)

Lot 6.
2-night stay for 2 with continental breakfast at the Dorp Hotel
(Price Guide: R8,000 | $590) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Lot 7.
Hot Air Balloon Safari in Pilanesberg National Park for 2 people
(Price Guide: R10,000 | $735) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Lot 8.
Three nights at Laspa Hotel in Tallinn, Estonia for two guests
(Price Guide: R15,000 | $1,105)

Lot 9.
A two night midweek or weekend stay in a luxury room for 2 Guests at Bartholomeus Klip
(Price Guide: R12,000 | $885) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Lot 10.
Photographic Art Print: Place of Water – by Artist Nicky Newman
(Price Guide: R8,000 | $590)

Lot 11.
Signed match t-shirt, wrist band, with two autographed cards by Roger Federer worn at US Open 2017
(Price Guide: R40,000 | $2,945) LIVE AUCTION LOT*

Give a Gift
Light a Birthday Candle Pledge to Ikamva’s Endowment Fund
(Any Donation Helps)